9 Treatments For Asthma Without an Inhaler

Asthma is a lung disease that causes difficulty breathing. Asthma can be either acute or chronic. Asthma attacks occur when there is an obstruction in the flow of air in the lungs.
There are nine proven way that asthma can be treated without the use of inhaler. Here are some of the way you can treat asthma without inhaler:                           
Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine has great effect, particularly for asthmatics patient who are steroid dependent. Individuals taking B6 had better breathing early in the morning, and in those individuals with low levels of B6, supplementations reduced acute wheezing episodes. However, some studies have shown no significant difference, so you should discuss your target levels with your primary physician before starting.
Omega-3 fatty acids:  One study shows that those with a diet high in omega- 3’s had improved quality of life with less reliance on rescue medications. Easy ways to add Omega 3’s to your diet include walnuts (mix with carob chips and raisins for a quick snack), salmon, and pumpkin seeds (can be added to Greek yogurt, or applesauce).
Vitamin C:  Studies also found another juicy reason to fill up on citrus fruits if you are asthmatic.  Research demonstrated that a diet high in Vitamin C reduced episodes of wheezing in children. While we still need more data for adults, it can’t hurt to add this to your diet through a few extra orange slices, grapefruit, or kiwi.
Ginger: It has been discovered by Researchers that Ginger is a well-known natural treatment for various ailments including asthma and studies also indicate that it has compounds that may enhance the muscle relaxant effects of certain asthma drugs.
 When combined with commonly used inhaled asthma medications, ginger enhanced airway dilation more than medication alone. The ginger compounds used to treat airway smooth muscle are thought to work by directly reducing contraction of the muscles surrounding the airways.
Mustard oil: When having an asthma attack, massaging with mustard oil can help clear the respiratory passage and restore normal breathing.
  1. Heat some mustard oil with a little camphor.
  2. Transfer it in a bowl and when it is comfortably warm, gently rub it on the chest and upper back and massage.
  3. Do this several times a day until the symptoms subside.
Eucalyptus Oil: If you can get the pure oil it is very good for the treatment of asthma because of its decongestant properties. It has a chemical called eucalyptol which can help break up mucus. Put a drop of the oil on a paper towel and keep it by your head when sleeping so that you can breathe in the aroma
Figs: The nutritional properties of figs promote respiratory health and help drain phlegm and alleviate breathing difficulties.
  1. Wash three dried figs and soak them in a cup of water overnight.
  2. In the morning, eat the soaked figs and drink the fig water on an empty stomach.
Continue this home treatment for a couple of months.
Garlic: The following garlic remedy can help clear congestion in your lungs during the early stages of asthma. Boil two or three cloves in one-quarter cup of milk. Allow it to cool to room temperature.
Coffee: The caffeine in regular coffee can help control asthma attacks because it acts as a bronchodilator. Hot coffee helps relax and clear the airways to help you to breathe easier. The stronger the coffee, the better the result.
But try not to drink more than three cups of black coffee in a day. If you do not like coffee, you can opt for a cup of hot black tea. Do not use caffeine as a regular treatment though.
                                               Watch this documentary:



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